RESPECT is a Surefire Winner

Condo News
August 4-17, 2004
By Phillip Chase

Now at the Cuillo Center in the heart of downtown West Palm Beach, at the foot of Clematis and kitty-corner from the library is a musical show, the audience response to which should make the library rock. The show? RESPECT, labeled, a musical journey of women. The originator and writer of the show, Dorothy Marcic, has told the story of the long journey women have taken from 1900 to present day to win their present position in society. Dorothy has put together a potpourri of women, and men’s attitude towards them and their attitudes toward themselves using just about every popular song you’ve ever heard, ably presented by three marvelous and personable singers. Paulette Dozier, Jeanette Fitzpatrick and Emily Price bubble over with talent and delight the audience with their various characterizations.

The show is augmented by a great slide show presenting pictures and photographs from each era depicted. The singers are backed by terrific players who keep the ball rolling non-stop. The stage set is cleverly utilized. In short, this is a show which is a true ensemble work.
The audience loved everything about the performance, some even getting up on the stage during the finale dancing and clapping.

Don’t think this is a woman’s show, the songs and performances can be enjoyed by all. I loved it, my mother loved it. Joy was contagious throughout the house. This is definitely one entertainment you will want to see. Who knows, you maybe even want to go back and see it again, it’s that good.

Heed my advice and go. There is not a bad seat in the well-designed Cuillo Centre. Call the box office now at (561) 835.9226 and grab tickets while this diversion is still in town.

The Cuillo Centre is located at 201 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach.