Discussion Questions
For after the show
- What was most surprising to you in the show?
- What did you learn about how the status of women changed since 1900?
- What were women expected to do, to be like in the early 1900s? During World War II? During the 50s? During the 80s? What about now?
- How did TV socialize the baby boomers in the 50s? How did TV socialize you when you were younger?
- Describe how the messages of the music were different for your parents and grandparents, versus how it is for you now.
- If you had to explain to someone much younger than you how things have changed for women in America over the last 100 years, what would you say?
- In what ways did your mothers and grandmothers have it more difficult? In what ways were their lives easier?
- Which current songs really depict the challenges and triumphs for females today?